Research Article

Effects of Ocean Ecosystem on Marine Aerosol-Cloud Interaction

Table 2

Correlations of [Chl-a] and for the events chosen in MY08, using different threshold values of [Chl-a] that define the phytoplankton “bloom.”

Location (Date Range)[Chl-a] threshold mg m−3 Sample sizePercent of data points satisfying the [Chl-a] threshold (%)

Southern Atlantic—48°S to 56°S, 55°W to 21°W (11 Dec. 2001–8 Jan. 2002)No cutoff

Sea of Okhotsk—57°N to 52°N and 146°E to 152°E (26 June 2003–27 July 2003)No cutoff

Northwest Atlantic—42°N to 60°N and 55°W to 21°W) (5 Aug. 2003– 4 Sep. 2004)No cutoff

West African Coast—4°N to 14°S and 20°W to 14°E (1 Jan. 2002–1 Feb. 2002)No cutoff

Bering Sea—52°N to 70°N and 176°E to 150°W (6 Apr. 2004–7 May 2004)No cutoff

Values in parenthesis are from MY08; highlighted values are the episodes when discrepancies between our and MY08 results were outside the 95% confidence intervals.
The 95% confidence limits (the upper and lower bounds of a 95% confidence interval).