Research Article

Simulating Marine New Particle Formation and Growth Using the M7 Modal Aerosol Dynamics Modal

Table 1

Comparison of absolute particle number concentrations increases for particles of radii more than 50, 35, 25, and 15 nm, using the different nucleation schemes, taken over 48 hours at vapor concentrations of  molec·cm-3 for the sulphuric acid and iodine along with  molec·cm-3 for the nonnucleating organic vapor.

Radius (nm)Number concentration (cm-3) H2SO4 only (no nucleation)Number concentration (cm-3) OIO-OIONumber concentration (cm-3) H2SO4-OIONumber concentration (cm-3) H2SO4-OIO-COV


Radius (nm)Percentage increase H2SO4 only (No nucleation)Percentage increase OIO-OIOPercentage increase H2SO4-OIOPercentage increase H2SO4-OIO-COV
