Research Article

Applying a Mesoscale Atmospheric Model to Svalbard Glaciers

Table 13

Temperature statistics in summer and winter 2009-2010 in 2.7 km resolution, with and without increased vertical resolution in the boundary layer (high vert. res.) and in 900 m resolution. Vestfonna data are not used here because of the lack of data during the chosen period. Bold numbers indicate the best result for each AWS. Abbreviation corr denotes height corrected temperatures.

Bias (°C)MAE (°C)SSC
JanJulJanJan corrJulJul corrJanJan corrJulJul corrJanJan corrJulJul corr

Kongsvegen2.7 km0.880.46−4.0−3.7−1.0−
2.7 km—high vert. res.0.890.47−3.9−3.6−1.2−

Nordenskiöldbreen2.7 km0.910.40−4.3−
2.7 km—high vert. res.0.920.40−4.2−
900 m0.910.38−3.9−