Research Article

Model Simulations of Complex Dust Emissions over the Sahara during the West African Monsoon Onset

Table 1

Model configuration used for experimentation.

Model nameWRF-Chem

ReferenceGrell et al. [45]
Boundary conditionsNCEP Final Analysis FNL (1.125 deg)
Domain5°–30°N, 20°W-40°E and 8°N–29°N, 12°W-22°E
Horizontal resolution30 km (EXP30) and 10 km (EXP10)
Dust-radiative feedback?Yes
Vertical levels50
Simulation period05–15th June 2006 (EXP30) and 07–10th June 2006 (EXP10)
Height of lowest layer40 m
Physical schemesMicrophysics: Purdue Lin scheme [61]
PBL: Mellor-Yamada-Janjić TKE scheme (MYJ) [62]
Surface: unified Noah land-surface model
Cumulus convection: Grell-3D [54]
Emission schemeaGinoux et al. [46]
Soil texture data12 texture classes based on FAO [63]
Number of dust binsTotal 5 size bins
Dust particle size range0.1–10 μm