Research Article

Comparisons between Hygroscopic Measurements and UNIFAC Model Predictions for Dicarboxylic Organic Aerosol Mixtures

Table 2

Growth factors ( ) for malonic and glutaric acids in this study (at 12°C) versus other studiesa.

(85%) (90%) (95%)
This studyOther studiesThis studyOther studiesThis studyOther studiesb

Malonic acid1.431.40d; 1.37e
1.32f; 1.28g
1.521.73e; 1.53d
1.52g; 1.48f
1.911.86g; 1.84d
Glutaric acidN/Ac1.15e; 1.10h
1.09d; 1f
N/Ac1.30d; 1.29e

a values for succinic acid are not measurable via bulk solution methods, since its DRH is greater than 95% at 12°C.
bGrowth factors at 95% RH are calculated from their raw data.
cDRH is greater than 90% at 12°C. Therefore, (85%) and (90%) are not measurable via bulk solution methods at 12°C. Values listed from other studies used EDB, TDMA, or bulk solution method at 22–30°C.
dPeng et al. [14], EDB measurements at 25°C.
ePrenni et al. [16], TDMA measurements at 30°C.
fWise et al. [31], bulk solution measurements at 25°C.
gBraban et al. [11], is calculated from its raw data, bulk solution measurements at 285.1 K (=11.95°C).
hCruz and Pandis [20], EDB measurements at 22–26°C.