Research Article

The Influence of Topography on East African October to December Climate: Sensitivity Experiments with RegCM4

Table 2

Statistics of the model simulated mean OND rainfall (RF) in mm over east Africa (RF_EA), averaged over longitudes 28°E–42°E and latitudes 12°S–5°N, and that over KTU (RF_KTU), averaged over longitudes 34°E–38°E and latitudes 6°S–2°N for the control experiment (TP100), sensitivity experiments with topography reduced to 75% (TP75) and 25% (TP25), and the observed CRU and GPCP datasets. B_EA and B_KTU are the rainfall biases with respect to TP100, over EA and KTU, respectively. The respective percentage biases due to EA and KTU are denoted by PB_EA and PB_KTU.

RF_EA (mm)RF_KTU (mm)B_EA (mm)B_KTU (mm)PB_EAPB_KTU
