Research Article

Serial Analysis of Ten Precipitation-Based Indices by Land Use in Semiarid Regions

Table 5

The Bonferroni test for homogeneous groups () by region and by land use.

PRCPTOT R10mm R20mm R25mm SDII

 North 312.04a10.77b4.11b2.48b7.26b
 Central 311.26a10.57a3.89a2.25a6.92a
 South 408.48b14.06c5.82c3.68c8.10c
Land use
 SDV 333.17b11.35b4.45b2.70b7.32b
 Other Use 337.56ab11.60ab4.48ab2.72ab7.36ab
 Shrubs 341.62a11.72a4.57a2.78b7.40a
 Agricultural 343.28a11.80a4.58a2.77b7.43a
 Grasslands 344.58a11.85a4.61a2.78ab7.44a

Each letter separates the significant differences between pairs of classes. The comparison is based on the calculated value of statistic F.