Research Article

Effects of Initial Drivers and Land Use on WRF Modeling for Near-Surface Fields and Atmospheric Boundary Layer over the Northeastern Tibetan Plateau

Figure 1

Study area, initial field, and land surface information: (a) 43 stations on northeastern Tibetan Plateau; (b) two-way nested domains in the WRF model; (c) U10 in NCEP FNL; (d) U10 in ERA-Interim; (e) MODIS-based land-use data in 2001; (f) MODIS-based land-use data in 2010. In (e) and (f), the land-use categories are as follows: 1: evergreen needleleaf forest; 2: evergreen broadleaf forest; 3: deciduous needleleaf forest; 4: deciduous broadleaf forest; 5: mixed forests; 6: closed shrublands; 7: open shrublands; 8: woody savannas; 9: savannas; 10: grasslands; 11: permanent wetlands; 12: croplands; 13: urban and built-up land; 14: cropland/natural vegetation mosaic; 15: snow and ice; 16: barren or sparsely vegetated; 17: water; 18: wooded tundra; 19: mixed tundra; and 20: barren tundra.