Research Article

ESA CCI Soil Moisture Assimilation in SWAT for Improved Hydrological Simulation in Upper Huai River Basin

Table 2

SWAT model parameters being calibrated.

Sensitivity sequenceParametersDescription

1CN2SCS curve number for moisture conditon II
2surlagSurface runoff lag coefficient
3αgwBaseflow recession constant
4KchEffective hydraulic conductivity
5escoSoil evaporation compensation constant
6aqshthr,qThreshold depth of water in the shallow aquifer required for the return flow to occur
7SOL_AWCAvailable soil water capacity
8NManning’s n value for the main channel
9canmxMaximum amount of water that can be trapped in the canopy when that canopy is fully developed
10epcoPlant uptake compensation factor
11βrevRevap coefficient
12δgwDelay time for aquifer recharge