Research Article

Diurnal Variations in Summer Precipitation over the Yellow River Basin

Figure 2

(a) Locations of 481 meteorological stations (green dots) in the YRB (red box). The solid blue line in the red box represents the Yellow River. The altitude of the large-scale topography is presented as a gray scale (units: m). The purple dashed lines show the distribution of the three stair step topographic regions defined by elevation. Area A represents the upper reaches of the YRB, area B denotes the middle reaches of the YRB, and area C refers to the lower reaches of the YRB. The black box in the bottom right-hand corner shows the South China Sea islands. (b) Spatial distribution of the hourly mean precipitation (units: 0.1 mm) across the YRB during the summer months from 1981 to 2013. The two purple dashed lines divide the three topographic regions defined by three stair steps.