Advances in Meteorology

Extreme Precipitation and Floods: Monitoring, Modelling, and Forecasting


Lead Editor

1Technical University of Munich, Munich, Germany

2Arizona State University, Tempe, USA

3National University of Singapore, Singapore

Extreme Precipitation and Floods: Monitoring, Modelling, and Forecasting


Flooding is one of the leading natural hazards. Floods often cause enormous casualties and substantial property damage on a global scale every year. Extreme precipitation along with increasing urbanization is the main culprit of most floods. Under climate change, increases in extreme precipitation are projected for USA and other countries. Understanding the mechanisms of extreme precipitation and its hydrometeorological connection with flooding, especially under the circumstances of global climate change, is essential for flood prevention and mitigation. Flood monitoring is traditionally obtained from in situ observations. However, remote sensing provides us with various hydrological and meteorological retrievals at a range of temporal and spatial resolutions. Remotely sensed data alone and their integration with modelling techniques are expected to enhance flood monitoring and modelling capability to aid in decision-making. There is an urgent need for improved monitoring, modelling, and forecasting techniques in extreme precipitation to develop more effective flood protection measures and management. The editors are pleased to launch this new special issue.

This special issue is intended to present and discuss the current scientific and technological developments on extreme precipitation estimation, flood monitoring, and flood modelling, with the end goal of improving flood prevention and mitigation.

Potential topics include but are not limited to the following:

  • Extreme precipitation measurement by in situ and satellite remote sensing techniques
  • Rainfall modelling and forecasting
  • Rainfall-runoff process measuring and modelling
  • Remote sensing in flood monitoring and modelling
  • Hydrological and meteorological aspects of floods
  • Climate change and land use/cover change impact assessment
  • Flood prevention, mitigation, and management
  • Flood forecasting and warning
  • Uncertainty in flood modelling and forecasting


Advances in Meteorology
 Journal metrics
See full report
Acceptance rate14%
Submission to final decision121 days
Acceptance to publication18 days
Journal Citation Indicator0.490
Impact Factor2.9
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