Research Article

Study of the Generalized Quantum Isotonic Nonlinear Oscillator Potential

Table 4

Energies of the four lowest states of the generalized isotonic oscillator of parameters 𝑤 and 𝑎 given for 𝑙 = 1 as 𝑤 𝑎 2 = 2 and for different values of the parameter 𝑔 . The subscript numbers represents the number of iterations used by AIM.

𝑤 𝑎 2 𝑔 𝐸 0 𝑎 2 𝐸 1 𝑎 2 𝐸 2 𝑎 2 𝐸 3 𝑎 2

2 0.000 01 0.999 993 709 536(39) 2.999 997 742 768(25) 4.999 998 464 613(32) 6.999 998 987 906(23)
0.1 0.936 865 790 085(43) 2.977 274 273 728(33) 4.984 713 354 070(45) 6.989 892 949 082(32)
1 0.349 595 330 721(51) 2.758 891 177 876(36) 4.851 946 642 761(42) 6.900 301 395 128(35)
2 −0.337 237 264 447(51) 2.487 025 791 777(38) 4.709 976 255 628(42) 6.803 992 334 705(34)
5 −2.549 035 191 007(53) 1.494 183 218 341(39) 4.268 043 172 724(45) 6.534 685 249 316(35)
10 −6.529 142 779 202(60) −0.660 939 314 881(40) 3.318 493 978 272(46) 6.100 400 048 017(38)
12 −8.182 546 155 166(65) −1.659 292 230 771(44) 2.838 014 627 229(48) 5.905 881 549 211(39)
50 −41.876 959 736 225(37) −26.863 072 307 493(33) −14.310 287 343 156(28) −4.206 192 073 796(31)