Research Article

Dual Approximate Solutions of the Unsteady Viscous Flow over a Shrinking Cylinder with Optimal Homotopy Asymptotic Method

Table 12

Comparison between the first expression of the first-order approximate solutions given by (55) obtained by OHAM and numerical results for and (error = ).

(55) Error

1 2. 2. 0.
9/5 1.7283791967 1.7283789517
13/5 1.7050648140 1.7050648331
21/5 1.7020220942 1.7020221347
29/5 1.7019629186 1.7019628448
37/5 1.7019614024 1.7019613948
41/5 1.7019613622 1.7019613605
9 1.7019613550 1.7019613548
1.7019613535 1.7019613535