Research Article

Dual Approximate Solutions of the Unsteady Viscous Flow over a Shrinking Cylinder with Optimal Homotopy Asymptotic Method

Table 8

Comparison between the second expression of the first-order approximate solutions given by (52) obtained by OHAM and numerical results for and (error = ).

(52) Error

1 1. 1.′ 0.
9/5 −0.4931638904 −0.4931976737
13/5 −1.5746868741 −1.5746416452
21/5 −2.1944651392 −2.1944897035
29/5 −2.2598561227 −2.2598257759
37/5 −2.2649614997 −2.2650206599
41/5 −2.2652663671 −2.2653038433
9 −2.2653903391 −2.2653753555
−2.2653986945 −2.2653986945