Research Article

A Method to Accelerate the Convergence of the Secant Algorithm

Algorithm 2

define x(p,  i)
if p  <  1 or i  <  0 or i  >  imax(p)
return error
else if p  =  1
return x−1
else if p  =  0
return x0
if i  =  0  Secant step
x1 = x(p    1, imax(p    1))
x2 = x(p    2, imax(p    2))
return x1    f(x1)  *  (x1    x2)/(f(x1)    f(x2))
elseith order approximant
x1 = x(p    1, i    1)
x2 = x(p    1, imax(p    1))
x3 = x(p, i    1)
x4 = x(p    i    2, imax(p    i    2))
return x3  +  ((x2  x3)(x1    x3))/(x1  +  x2    x3    x4)