Research Article

Erythrocyte and Reticulocyte Indices on the LH 750 as Potential Markers of Functional Iron Deficiency

Table 3

Percentage of hypochromic red cells (% Hypo) values, mean and standard deviation (SD) and low hemoglobin density (LHD%) values, median (5th–95th interquartiles, IQ) in the group of patients.

% Hypo Mean (SD)LHD% Median (IQ)

Healthy0.13 (0.15)2.1 (0.9–4.1)
IDA17.2 (17.4)29.6 (7.5–76)
IDA APR16.8 (15.5)27.3 (8.3–71.2)
ACD4.1 (4.4)7.3 (5.1–30)
CKD5.1 (6.7)9.6 (5.6–27)