Research Article

The Cost-Effectiveness of Continuous Erythropoiesis Receptor Activator Once Monthly versus Epoetin Thrice Weekly for Anaemia Management in Chronic Haemodialysis Patients

Table 3

Cost-effectiveness analysis of the study.

Parameters EpoBCERA

Patients successfully treated (%)
Hb 10.5–12 g/dL
49 (65.3)53 (70.7)0.008
Patients not successfully treated (%)
Hb > 12 or Hb < 10.5 g/dL
26 (34.7)22 (29.3)0.001
Drug costs $
 Mean 6-month drug cost per patient1644.2 ± 859.41515.5 ± 7130.03
 Mean 1-year drug cost per patient3288.493030.190.03
Incremental 1-year cost Cera versus EpoB $−258.3
Average effectiveness 0.550.59
Incremental effectiveness Cera versus EpoB $+0.04
Average cost-effectiveness ratio
$/per one per cent of patients successfully treated
ICER Cera versus EpoB
$/per one per cent of patients successfully treated

ESA: erythropoietin stimulating agent.
Hb: haemoglobin.
EpoB: epoetin beta.
CERA: continuous erythropoietin receptor activator.
ICER: incremental cost-effectiveness ratio.