Research Article

Effect of Maternal Iron Deficiency Anemia on the Iron Store of Newborns in Ethiopia

Table 1

Summary of sociodemographic and obstetric characteristics of mothers and their newborns gender and weight attending at St. Paul’s Hospital, Addis Ababa.

CharacteristicsTotal ()
frequency (%)
IDA ()
frequency (%)
NA ()
frequency (%)

Maternal age
 ≤24 yrs52 (58.4%)11 (52.4%)41 (60.3%)0.700
 >24 yrs37 (41.6%)10 (47.6%)27 (39.7%)
Maternal education level
 No education26 (29.2%)6 (28.6%)20 (29.4%)0.805
 Primary school19 (21.4%)6 (28.6%)13 (19.1%)
 Secondary school13 (14.6%)3 (14.2%)10 (14.7%)
 Above secondary school31 (34.8%)6 (28.6%)25 (36.8%)
Maternal occupation
 Housewives67 (75.3%)16 (76.2%)51 (75.0%)0.858
 Employed22 (24.7%)5 (23.8%)17 (25.0%)
 Primiparous57 (64.0%)12 (57.1%)45 (66.2%)0.621
 Multiparous32 (36.0%)9 (42.9%)23 (33.8%)
 Vaginal70 (78.7%)17 (81.0%)53 (77.9%)0.992
 Cesarean section19 (21.3%)4 (19.0%)15 (22.1%)
ANC followup
 Yes79 (88.8%)17 (81.0%)62 (91.2%)0.367
 No10 (11.2%)4 (19.0%)6 (8.8%)
Iron intake during pregnancy
 Yes52 (58.4%)10 (47.6%)42 (61.8%)0.370
 No37 (41.6%)11 (52.4%)26 (38.2%)
Newborns’ gender
 Female45 (50.6%)10 (47.6%)35 (51.5%)0.953
 Male 44 (49.4%)11 (52.4%)33 (48.5%)
Weight of newborns
 Normal birth weight78 (87.6%)19 (90.5%)59 (86.8%)0.942
 Low birth weight11 (12.4%)2 (9.5%)9 (13.2%)

IDA = iron deficient anemic; NA = nonanemic. Data are from the Chi-square test.