Research Article

Determinants of Anemia among Pregnant Women at Public Hospitals in West Shewa, Central Ethiopia: A Case-Control Study

Table 2

Obstetrics and gynecology-related characteristics of pregnant women attending ANC in public hospitals of the West Shewa zone, from February to April 2019.

VariablesCases: n = 142 (%)Controls: n = 284 (%)

Regularity of menstrual cycle
Regular116 (81.7)256 (90.1)
Irregular26 (18.3)28 (9.9)

Duration of menstrual flow
3–5 days83 (58.5)250 (88)
6–8 days59 (41.5)34 (12)

Previous history of abortion
Yes40 (28.2)22 (7.7)
No102 (78.8)262 (93.3)

Number of abortions
One22 (55)20 (90.9)
2 and above18 (45)2 (9.1)

Used family planning before pregnancy
Yes62 (43.7)134 (47.2)
No80 (56.3)150 (52.8)

1–458 (62.4)144 (94.1)
≥536 (37.6)9 (5.9)

ANC follow-up for previous pregnancy
Yes52 (52.7)131 (84.5)
No47 (47.3)24 (15.5)

Place of delivery for the previous child
Home41 (43.6)30 (19.7)
Health facility53 (56.4)122 (80.3)

Mode of delivery for previous child
Spontaneous vaginal delivery85 (90.4)124 (81.6)
Instrumental4 (4.3)13 (8.5)
Caesarean section5 (5.3)15 (9.9)

1–4101 (71.1)267 (94)
≥541 (28.9)17 (6)

Types of current pregnancy
Wanted and planned87 (61.3)236 (83.1)
Wanted but not planned28 (19.7)30 (10.6)
Neither wanted nor planned27 (19)18 (6.3)

The birth interval between current and previous birth
<2 years53 (56.4)43 (28.3)
≥2 years41 (43)109 (71.7)

Vaginal bleeding (antepartum hemorrhage)
Yes63 (44.4)24 (8.5)
No79 (55.6)260 (91.5)