Research Article

Associated Factors of Cholelithiasis among Younger Children with Sickle Cell Disease at the National Reference Center for Sickle Cell Disease in Brazzaville, Congo

Table 2

Type of SCD and baseline biological parameters in sickle cell children with and without cholelithiasis and their relationship to cholelithiasis at the National Reference Center for Sickle Cell Disease.

CharacteristicsCholelithiasisWithout cholelithiasisORIC 95%

Type of SCD
 S/β thalassemia616.222128.380.570.25–1.290.16
Hb (g/dL)
MCHC (g/dL)
WBC (/mm3)
Platelets (giga/L)

Sickle beta-zero-thalassemia (5 cases vs 8 controls) and sickle beta-plus-thalassemia (1 case vs 13 controls). Mean corpuscular volume. Mean corpuscular Hb concentration. White blood cells.