Research Article

New Type Far IR and THz Schottky Barrier Detectors for Scientific and Civil Application

Table 1

Comparative table of the main parameters of FPAs for astronomy.

FPAs typeFormatBand (μm)Pitch (μm)Sensitive zone dimensions (cm)Working temperature (K)Rate (MHz)NEP (W Hz1/2)Output noise (e)Dynamic range (dB)TechnologyCostquality ratio

HAWAII-2 2 0 4 8 2 0 4 8 0.8–2.518.5 4 4 80–1200.8(5–9) * 10−15 (BLIP)<760MCT on Si CMOSExcellent
VLWIR-002 1 2 8 1 2 8 8–15.860 0 . 8 0 . 8 405.05 * 10−12 (BLIP)200>60MCT on Si CMOSVery good
Transition edge Sensor (for S-520-17) 1 2 1 (Double wavelengths)250–50010001.20.3Unknown5 * 10−17–1 * 10−16 (BLIP)UnknownVery low (up to 1-2 dB)Superconductor metallic film bolometersAverage
BIB sensors1 Si(Ga), Si(As), Ge(Ga) (for SIRTF) 2 5 6 2 5 6 , 3 2 3 2 5–40, 40–7040–120, 250 1 1 5–15 for Si, 1.3 for GeUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownImpurity Si or Ge and Si CMOSGood
Transition edge sensor (TES)2 (for SOFIA) 2 3 2 , 1 2 3 2 , 1 6 3 2 145–655500–2000Up to 7.00.065–0.2Unknown10−19–10−20(**)UnknownVery low (up to 1-2 dB)Superconductor metallic film bolometers and SQUID’sBelow the average
Cool electron bolometer3Not fixed40–500Not fixedNot fixed0.1Not fixed10−18(***)Unknown10–30Metallic film bolometers and SQUID’sGood
Hot electron gas emission detectors4# 1 0 0 1 0 0 #, 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 #5–40, 100–500#25–1000# 4 4 Approx. #15–60#1–5#10−18 (Shot Noise) #Not fixed#>60#Typical Si SB and Si CMOS#Good#

Critical parameters of FPAs for astronomy
The main shortcomings.
#Parameters of the proposed FPA.
The FPAs with indices 1, 2, and 3 are in different studies of investigation.
(**)Theoretical estimations.
(***)Experimental data with one element bolometer.
The FPA with index 4 is the new type of FPA proposed in this paper (protected by Pat. RU no.2304826, no. 2335823).