Research Article

Fundamental Issues in Manufacturing Photovoltaic Modules Beyond the Current Generation of Materials

Table 1

Summary of experimental results.

Cell typeEfficiencyRef.

GaAsNi IBSC0.18%[22]
GaAs QD IBSCNo data[23]
Si cell with quantum dots5.7–10.6%[24]
Excitonic PbSe NC3.4%[38]
Colloidal PbS QD6.0%[39]
PbS NC4%[40]
SL GaAs hot carrier10.9%–11.2%[41]
MQW GaAs hot carrier7.1%[41]
IBSC QD GaAs9.3%[42]
Organic solar cell8.30%[7]
Dye-sensitized solar cell10.90%[7]

QD: quantum dots; SL: super lattice; NC: nanocrystal.