Research Article

A Cost Model for Integrated Logistic Support Activities

Table 5

Example of the cost model—basic scenario.

Technical parametersOrganizational parametersILS performance indicators

MTBP200DTS0,7 79%

Other data input

12MTBM ≤ 100 10.000DTL00,6
5MTBM ≥ 200 1.000DTS00,8
500MDT ≥ 25 5.000DTSp00,7
OT2500 ≤ 90% 5.000 1.000
1,3 ≤ 75% 10.000
≤ 60% 15.000

Cost for preventive Cost for corrective Penalty cost for poor Cost for delay
maintenance maintenance performancetime

43.750 7.280 10.000 678

Annual cost for ILS activities ( ) 61.708