Clinical Study

Management of Neglected Achilles Tendon Division: Assessment of Two Novel and Innovative Techniques

Table 1

Modified Rupp’s Scoring system for subjective evaluation.

(1) Patient satisfaction
(2) Do you experience pain during weight bearing?
 With extended weight bearing1
 With slight weight bearing−2
(3) Do you experience pain independent of weight bearing?
 Pain a/w changes in weather1
 Pain sometimes a/w rest−2
 Continuous pain −5
(4) Has your ankle function decreased since the operation?
 Tendency to swelling±2
 Reduction of muscle strength±2
 Tendency to cramp±2
(5) Do you fear rerupture?
(6) Do you have limitations of your work?
 Does not apply0
 None 5
 Minor −1
 Changed profession due to TA problem−5
(7) Do you have limitation of sports activity?
 Does not apply0
 Stopped due to problems with Tendo Achilles−5

Total score