Review Article

Transient Exciplex Formation Electron Transfer Mechanism

Figure 1

(Top) Dependences of the free energy on the medium and reactants reorganization coordinate 𝑠 for isoergonic ET reaction for different distances between reactant molecules: 𝑟 A D = 0 . 3 5  nm, 𝑉 A D = 0 . 2 2  eV (1), 𝑟 A D = 0 . 5  nm, 𝑉 A D = 0 . 1  eV (2), 𝑟 A D = 0 . 7  nm, 𝑉 A D = 0 . 0 4  eV (3), 𝑟 A D = 1 . 0  nm, 𝑉 A D = 0 . 0 0 8  eV (4). Parabolic terms of the locally excited and charge transfer states 𝜆 𝑠 2 and 𝜆 ( 1 𝑠 ) 2 were used. (Bottom) Dependences of the reorganization energy, 𝜆 (1), electronic coupling, 𝑉 A D (2), and intermolecular Lennard-Jones potential, 𝑈 L J (3), on the distance between reactant molecules, 𝑟 A D (see the Appendix).