Research Article

Sexual Coercion and Associated Factors among Female Students of Madawalabu University, Southeast Ethiopia

Table 3

Sexual history and characterises of sexual initiation respondents in Madawalabu University, southeast Ethiopia, April 2012.

Variable Frequency Percent

Have constant sexual partner
 Yes 190 47.9
 No 207 52.1
Ever had sex
 Yes 96 24.2
 No 306 75.8
Age at first sex in years
 10–16 14 14.9
 17–19 61 64.9
 ≥20 19 20.2
When sex started
 Before joining university 62 64.6
 After joining university 34 35.4
At which year of study sex started
 First 16 47.0
 Second 17 50.0
 Third 1 3.0
How sex started
 Within marriage 35 36.8
 Self-interest 27 28.4
 Peer pressure 13 13.7
 Friend promise 23 24.2
 For money 6 6.3
 To pass examinations 8 8.4
 Forced 5 5.3
 Intoxicated with alcohol 1 1.1