Research Article

Childhood Overweight/Obesity amidst Migration, Socioeconomic Factors, and Obesogenic Behaviors: Insights from the Growing Up in New Zealand Study

Table 2

Association between maternal migration status and residential duration with child’s weight status.

ExposureNBMI Mean (SD)Prevalence of OW/OBn (%)Association with OW/OB
OR (95% CI)AOR (95% CI)

Maternal migration statusNZ-born mothers3,67616.81 (1.91)1,089 (29.6)RefRef
Foreign-born mothers1,83016.59 (2.23)476 (26)0.84 (0.74, 0.95)0.85 (0.74, 0.98)

Maternal residential durationRecent migrants78416.42 (2.17)192 (24.5)RefRef
Settled migrants1,03516.70 (2.22)279 (27)1.14 (0.92, 1.41)1.05 (0.82, 1.36)

OW/OB, overweight/obesity; AOR, adjusted odds ratio (adjusted for mother’s age at pregnancy, maternal education, household deprivation level, household income, receipt of income benefit, having partner, and child’s birth weight and sex). Bold values indicate statistical significance, suggesting that the results of the statistical tests show significant associations. Ref, reference groups—these groups are used as benchmarks to assess the associations of other groups with the outcome variable in comparison to them.