Research Article

Feasibility of Ideal Cardiovascular Health Evaluation in a Pediatric Clinic Setting

Table 1

Seven cardiovascular health metrics, modified for point-of-care screening.

MetricCriteriaIdeal Threshold

LipidsNon-HDL-C<3.1 mmol/L (120 mg/dL)

Healthy WeightBMI percentile<85 percentile

Blood PressureSystolic and diastolic percentile< percentiles for both

Glucose ToleranceHbA1c≤ 5.7%

Physical ActivityMinutes of moderate activity per day≥ 60 minutes/day

SmokingYes/NoNot smoking

DietNumber of component≥ 3 ideal components

Non-HDL-C was the primary screening variable and the threshold was used for group assignment.
Ideal diet components were adequate intake of whole grains, fruits/vegetables, and fish; limited saturated fat, sweetened drinks, and sodium.