Research Article

A Cox-Based Risk Prediction Model for Early Detection of Cardiovascular Disease: Identification of Key Risk Factors for the Development of a 10-Year CVD Risk Prediction

Table 4

Regression coefficients and hazard ratios in risk model.

PredictorsVariablescoefHazard Ratiolower .95upper .95

AGElog of age2.0836438.0336866.408210.0716
BMIlog of bmi0.6088641.8383421.43682.3521
BLOOD PRESSURE SYSTOLIClog of bps1.6825715.379373.79387.6277
CIGARETTES PER DAYcgrpd0.0096691.0097161.00651.013
PULSE RATElog of pr-0.302090.7392710.58790.9297

Estimated regression coefficient.