Research Article

Evaluation of the Potential Nephroprotective and Antimicrobial Effect of Camellia sinensis Leaves versus Hibiscus sabdariffa (In Vivo and In Vitro Studies)

Table 1

Antibacterial activity of water and methanolic extracts of Camellia sinensis and Hibiscus sabdariffa on tested Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria.

Bacteria species ReferenceT.wT.mH.wH.m

MRSA (pus)Van. [19]2122R10
MRSA (wound)Van. [17]1819RR
E. coli GT. [33]RRRR
P. aeruginosa Pi. [30]RRR11

T.w: water extract of green tea; T.m: methanolic extract of green tea; H.w: water extract of hibiscus; H.m: methanolic extract of hibiscus; Van.: vancomycin; GT: gentamicin; Pi: piperacillin; R: resistance.