Research Article

Low Rates of Lateral Gene Transfer among Metabolic Genes Define the Evolving Biogeochemical Niches of Archaea through Deep Time

Figure 2

Cytochrome oxidase in the Euryarchaeota. Phylogenetic trees for (a) cytochrome oxidase subunit I and (b) cytochrome oxidase subunit II. Putative lateral transfer events are indicated using a filled red circle. The locus tag numbers are provided for taxa with genome sequences (accession numbers are provided for taxa without genome sequences). Trees shown have branch lengths and relationships constructed using the maximum parsimony method. Bootstrap values above 50% from the maximum parsimony method are shown above each branch, and branches without values had less than 50% support. Posterior probabilities from the Bayesian method are shown below each branch. Major archaeal clades are indicated using colored boxes, and potential lateral gene transfer events are identified at the base of the node for these clades with a filled red circle. Nodes discussed in the text were assigned sequential circled numbers.
(a) Cytochrome oxidase I+III, Euryarchaeota
(b) Cytochrome oxidase II, Euryarchaeota