Research Article

Anatomical Correlates to Nectar Feeding among the Strepsirrhines of Madagascar: Implications for Interpreting the Fossil Record

Figure 1

A photograph of a Lemur catta skull illustrating the osteometric points used to calculate the nine cranial measurements associated with nectivory in mammals. Coronoid process height (CPH): basal point on the angular process to the apex of the coronoid process. Palate width at M1 (MPW): the distance between the lateralmost point on the left M1 alveolus and the corresponding point on the right side. Minimum skull width at temporal fossa (MSW): breadth of cranium directly posterior to the postorbital bars. Bizygomatic width (BiZ): the greatest distance between the outer margins of the zygomatic arches, the distance between zygion points. Maximum tooth row length (MTR): the distance from the posterior edge of M3 to the anterior edge of the lower canine. Dentary depth at M3 (DD): the vertical distance from inferior margin of the mandible to the ectomolare of M3. Total dentary length (TDL): the distance from the posterior edge of the gonion to the alveolare (infradentale superius). Total palate length (TPL): the distance between staphylion and prosthion, which is sometimes called medial palatal length. Total skull length (TSL): the distance between akrokranion and prosthion. Akrokranion is the most aboral (nuchal) point on the vertex of the cranium. Two measurements not shown in this image are M1 length and width. Together these measurements were used to derive a crude measure of molar area.