Research Article

The Jaw Adductor Resultant and Estimated Bite Force in Primates

Table 2

Landmarks for each anterior and posterior resultant vector.

Muscle group attachmentAnterior landmarkPosterior landmark

Temporalis originPoint where superior temporal line meets post-orbital barPoint where superior temporal line meets nuchal crest
Temporalis insertionAnterior corner of masseteric fossa (also anterior end of cristid obliqua of mandible)Posterior-most point on the hook formed by the tip of the coronoid process
Masseter originAnterior zygomatic pointPosterior zygomatic point
Masseter insertionPoint on ventral border of mandibular corpus directly inferior to the anterior corner of the masseteric fossaPosterior end of angular process of mandible
Medial pterygoid originPoint where medial pterygoid plate meets lateral pterygoid platePosterior end of the inferior border of the lateral pterygoid plate
Medial pterygoid insertionAnterior-most point within the medial pterygoid fossaPosterior-most point within the medial pterygoid fossa