Review Article

Neural Blockade Anaesthesia of the Mandibular Nerve and Its Terminal Branches: Rationale for Different Anaesthetic Techniques Including Their Advantages and Disadvantages

Figure 1

Transverse section of the mandibular ramus at the level just superior to the lingula. (R: Ramus, IAN: inferior alveolar nerve, IAV: inferior alveolar vein, IAA: inferior alveolar artery, SML: sphenomandibular ligament, MP: medial pterygoid muscle, B: buccinator, PMR: pterygomandibular raphe, SCM: superior constrictor muscle, TT: tendon of temporalis L: lingula). The needle is shown passing through the pterygomandibular space where it is directed to an area of bone just superior to the lingula, L. This is the level at which an IANB should be administered.