Research Article

Immunomodulatory Effects of Anesthetics during Thoracic Surgery

Table 1

Patients’ demographic and operative data.

VariableGroup I (Propofol) No. = 25Group II (Isoflurane) No. = 25

Age (y)50.3 (13)48.8 (14)
Sex (M/F)18/717/8
Weight (kg)77 (7.1)75 (6.8)
Height (cm)172 (15)170 (12)
ASA physical status
Type of operations:
 Wedge resection1716
Operative time (min)137 (43)139 (45)
OLV time (min)80 (34)78 (36)
Anesthesia time (min)152 (47)154 (45)
Transfused units of blood/patients10/511/7

Data are given as mean (SD) or numbers. ASA: American Society of Anesthesiologists; OLV: one-lung ventilation.