Review Article

Clinical Applications of Heart Rate Variability in the Triage and Assessment of Traumatically Injured Patients

Table 2

Definitions of frequency-domain metrics of heart rate variability.


Total powerTPTotal power of periodic oscillations in the ECG signal—represents total RR interval spectral powerGlobal measure of autonomic function [3]
High frequency powerHFPower spectral density of high-frequency oscillations (0.15–0.4 Hz)Function of respiratory rhythms under vagal (parasympathetic) regulation [18, 24, 31]
Low frequency powerLFPower spectral density of low-frequency oscillations (0.04–0.15 Hz)Baroreceptor reflex-related modulation of cardiac pacemaker activity via sympathetic and parasympathetic stimulation [4, 18, 31]
Very low frequency powerVLFPower spectral density at very-low-frequency oscillations (<0.04 Hz)Associated with vasomotor, thermal, and humoral regulation via sympathetic nerve activity [24, 31]
Low/high frequency ratioLF/HFRatio of low-frequency power to high-frequency powerRepresents ratio of sympathetic to parasympathetic nerve activity [31]