Review Article

Clinical Applications of Heart Rate Variability in the Triage and Assessment of Traumatically Injured Patients

Table 4

Heart rate variability analysis techniques and their uses in trauma.

TechniqueDescriptionMetricsEvidence of changes in traumaPopulation

Time domain Estimation of variability using statistics and measures of central tendency [3]HRVi predicts mortality, ICH, adrenal insufficiency [11, 15, 1922, 36]ICU
Uncoupling↑ reflects acidosis, coagulopathy, MOSF, AI, severe TBI, ↑ ICP, predicts mortality [6, 9, 12, 22]ICU
SDNN predicts TBI, mortality, acidosis, LSI [16, 23]Prehospital
RMSSD reflects TBI, hemorrhage, mortality [23, 28, 47]ER

Frequency domain Calculation of power (amplitude) of contributing frequencies to an underlying signal [18]TP reflects ↑ICP, TBI, prolonged neurologic recovery, need for LSI, mortality, brain death [10, 28, 43]ICU
LF reflects ↑ICP, TBI, hemorrhage, need for LSI, mortality, brain; ↑ reflects ↑CI, HR, MAP death [4, 10, 27, 28, 37, 43, 48, 49].ER
HF reflects trauma, ↑ICP, need for LSI, hemorrhage, brain death, and mortality [10, 37, 43, 47, 50, 51]Prehospital
LF/HF↑ reflects ↑ICP, CPP; reflects brain death, mortality, hemorrhage, GCS, poor neurologic outcome [5, 7, 10, 27, 48, 51]Prehospital

Entropy Measurement of overall disorder, randomness, or irregularity of a physiologic signal [18]MSE predicts mortality [13, 35, 36, 45]ICU
ApEn reflects trauma, burn, hemorrhage, brain death, and ↑ICP, MOSF, predicts mortality; ↑ reflects resuscitation [8, 14, 25, 29, 34, 37, 52]Prehospital
SampEn reflects trauma, mortality, burn, and hemorrhage;
↑ reflects resuscitation; predicts LSI [8, 25, 43]
FDCL reflects hemorrhage; ↑ reflects resuscitation;
predicts LSI [17]
FDDA reflects need for LSI, hemorrhage, mortality [8, 25, 43]Prehospital
DFA reflects mortality; predicts LSI [8, 25, 43]Prehospital
SOD↑ reflects need for LSI, mortality [8, 25, 43]Prehospital
StatAv reflects mortality [25]Prehospital

HRVi: integer heart rate variability; ICH: intracranial hypertension; MOSF: multiple-organ system failure; AI: adrenal insufficiency; TBI: traumatic brain injury; SDNN: standard deviation of normal-normal RR Intervals (NN); RMSSD: root mean squared successive difference; LSI: life-saving intervention; ICP: intracranial pressure; TP: total power; LF: low-frequency oscillations power spectral density; HR: heart rate; CI: cardiac index; MAP: mean arterial pressure; HF: high-frequency oscillations power spectral density; LF/HF: low-to-high-power spectral density ratio; MSE: multiscale entropy; ApEn: approximate entropy; SampEn: sample entropy; SymDyn: symbol dynamics entropy; DisnEn: symbol distribution entropy; FDCL: fractional dimension by curve length; FDDA: fractional dimension by dispersion analysis; DFA: detrended fluctuations analysis; SOD: similarity of distributions; StatAv: signal stationarity; PS2i: point correlation dimension.