Research Article

Comparison of the Disposable Streamlined Liner of the Pharynx Airway and the Disposable I-gel in Anaesthetized, Paralyzed Adults: A Randomized Prospective Study

Table 3

Oropharyngeal sealing pressure, insertion time, and device size.

GroupSLIPA (n = 42)I-gel (n = 38)-value

Oropharyngeal sealing pressure, cmH2O28.76 ± 3.1125.92 ± 3.650.001
Time needed for insertion, s11.19 ± 3.0315.05 ± 6.370.003
Size of SAD used
 SLIPA (49/51/53/5557), 2/9/12/12/7
 I-gel (3/4/5), 7/23/8

Data are presented as mean ± standard deviation where applicable. SLIPA: streamlined liner of pharyngeal airway, SAD: supraglottic airway device.