Research Article

Regional Anaesthesia Is Associated with Shorter Postanaesthetic Care and Less Pain Than General Anaesthesia after Upper Extremity Surgery

Table 2

Outcome in the two groups.


PACU LOS (minutes, median, IQR)99 (70–136)171 (115–251)<0.001
Opiates in PACU, yes/no032%<0.001
Opiates, mean number of doses in PACU00.53na
Antiemetics in PACU, yes/no3%21%<0.001
Antiemetics, number of doses in PACU0.040.44<0.001
Rescue block in PACU, yes/no013%<0.001
Unplanned stay overnight010%0.002

PACU, Postanaesthesia Care Unit. LOS, length of stay. Na, not applicable.