Research Article

Achieving Lumbar Epidural Block Competency in Inexperienced Trainees after a Structured Epidural Teaching Model: A Randomized, Single Blind, Prospective Comparison of CUSUM Learning Curves

Table 1

Effects of changing the levels of accepted and unaccepted failure rate on the frequency distributions of the trainees who recorded an improvement in performance with CUSUM and on the mean number (±SD) of epidurals carried out to achieve the improvement.

Failure rateNumber of traineesNumber of epidurals
AcceptedNot acceptedStudy (21)Control (21)OR (CI 95%).valueStudyControl.value

103014 (67%)8 (38%)3.25 (1.02; 12.1)<.0518 (±13)17 (±11)>.05
104016 (76%)16 (76%)1 (0.23; 4.26)>.0512 (±8)12 (±9)>.05
20309 (42%)7 (33%)1.5 (0.43; 5.4)>.0528 (±10)31 (±10)>.05
203513 (61%)7 (33%)3.15 (1.01; 11.3)<.0517 (±7)19 (±10)>.05
204016 (76%)14 (67%)1.6 (0.42; 6.51)>.0513 (±6)18 (±13)>.05