Research Article

Sublingual Sufentanil vs. Intravenous Fentanyl for the Treatment of Acute Postoperative Pain in the Ambulatory Surgery Center: A Randomized Clinical Trial

Table 2

Surgical subspecialties enrolled in the study.

Surgical subspecialtyFentanyl N (%) N = 40Sublingual sufentanil N (%) N = 35

General surgery2 (5.0%)1 (2.9%)
Minimally invasive1 (2.5%)2 (5.7%)
Oculoplastic1 (2.5%)1 (2.9%)
Ophthalmology1 (2.5%)0 (0%)
Orthopedics17 (42.5%)19 (54.3%)
Otolaryngology7 (17.5%)6 (17.1%)
Plastics6 (15.0%)3 (8.6%)
Surgical oncology1 (2.5%)1 (2.9%)
Urology4 (10.0%)2 (5.7%)

N: number, (a). -value compares sublingual sufentanil vs. IV fentanyl, (b). Mann–Whitney nonparametric U test was used to compare medians and chi-squared test was used to compare proportions.