Research Article

Expression and Function of the Chemokine, CXCL13, and Its Receptor, CXCR5, in Aids-Associated Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma

Figure 1

Serum CXCL13 levels are elevated prior to development of AIDS-NHL. Serum from each person in the AIDS-NHL group ( = 46) was obtained for one time point in the 2.5 years prior to the development of lymphoma; subjects in the AIDS control group ( = 41) had AIDS, but no malignancy. Subjects in the HIV(+) group ( = 43) were HIV-seropositive, non-AIDS, and had CD4 T cell numbers 500 cells/mm3. Serum CXCL13 levels were determined by ELISA. Subjects in the HIV(−) group ( = 40) were HIV-seronegative. Analysis was performed on the logarithmic scale, but we report means and standard deviations for CXCL13 on the original scale using the delta method, as previously reported [25]. Bars represent mean values; error bars represent standard deviations, (* .05, and ** .001). Although not indicated in the figure, all other comparisons (HIV+ versus HIV−, AIDS versus HIV+, HIV− versus AIDS, and AIDS-NHL versus HIV−) were also significant, .