Research Article

Adapting an Evidence-Based Intervention Targeting HIV-Infected Prisoners in Malaysia

Table 2

Interview instrument for treatment providers.

General questions for all treatment providers(1) Do you think your patients have sufficient information on HIV?
(2) What types of HIV risk behaviors (sex- and drug-related) do you perceive in these patients?
(3) Why do patients continue to practice risky behaviors?
(4) Have your patients disclosed their status to their families?
(5) How do you feel about the methadone program?
(6) What type of intervention would work best (e.g., individual, group)?
(7) How long should each session last?
(8) What materials can or cannot be brought into the prison for the purpose of the intervention?

Questions for physicians(1) Do you counsel your patients on HIV risk reduction?
(2) Are you uncomfortable administering methadone?
(3) What are the challenges you have experienced (with methadone)?
(4) What are the side effects of methadone your patients have complained about?
(5) What suggestions do you have improving the continuity of care (e.g., methadone therapy and HIV medications) after release?

Questions for counselors(1) Do you think there are information deficits that may lead to risky behavior?
(2) Do you think there may be any motivational obstacles that contribute to this risky behavior?
(3) What negative attitudes toward safer sexual and drug behaviors do patients possess?
(4) What norms do patients have that interfere with safer sexual and drug using behaviors?
(5) Do you think there may be any deficits in behavioral skills that may contribute to any risky behavior?
(6) What has been the reaction from their families and how can we make it easier to disclose?
(7) What approaches do you use right now that may be helping to increase patients’ HIV preventive behaviors?
(8) Will you be comfortable discussing sensitive issues like sex and condom use with patients?
(9) What mode of presentation would work best (psychoeducational, power-point, handouts)?
(10) What kinds of support could be provided to help you integrate the intervention?