Review Article

Are Expert Patients an Untapped Resource for ART Provision in Sub-Saharan Africa?

Table 1

Study characteristics of included articles.

Tasks of PLWHATrainingSalaryEquipment

Kenya [20, 21]Community care coordinators, each responsible for 8–20 adults:
(i) Monthly drug refills
(ii) Pill count
(iii) Monitoring
(iv) Referral of problem cases
(i) 1-week theoretical,
(ii) 2-months practice, on the job training
Yes (i) Mobile device
(ii) Mobile phone
208 patients stable and at least 3 months on ART were randomly assigned to: community-based care ( ) and clinic-based care ( ):
(i) 50% reduction clinical visits when in community-based care
(ii) 5% LFU rate in both arms at 12 months follow-up time
Cluster RCT

Mozambique [22]PLWHA organized in community ART groups in which 6 members are responsible for
(i) Monthly drug refills
(ii) Pill count
(iii) Self-reporting
(iv) Self-referral
(i) Information session on day of inclusion in a CAG
(ii) 6 monthly interactive group sessions
(iii) No formal training
No No1,301 patients at least 6 months stable on ART were enrolled CAG. After median follow-up time of 12,9 months:
(i) 0.2% LFU
(ii) 2.3% died
(iii) 97.5% retained
Cohort study

RCT: randomised controlled trial; PLWHA: people living with HIV/AIDS; LFU: lost to followup; CAG: community ART groups.