Research Article

The Association between Noncommercial Partnerships and Risk of HIV among Female Sex Workers: Evidences from a Cross-Sectional Behavioral and Biological Survey in Southern India

Table 4

Sex work characteristics and perpetrator of violence by nature of noncommercial partnerships among female sex workers, Andhra Pradesh, 2009.

Sex work characteristics and perpetrator of violenceNature of noncommercial partnerships
RegularNonregularP value
( )( )

Number of days worked as sex worker in past one week
 Up to 213.17.2<0.001
 6 or more18.636.7<0.001
 Mean number of days
4.1 (1.5)4.9 (1.6)0.002
Number of commercial partners in past one week
 Low (Up to 5)18.29.0<0.001
 Medium (6–9)32.826.30.003
 High (10 or more)49.064.7<0.001
 Mean number of
 clients (SD)
10.3 (6.3)13.9 (9.0)<0.001
Perpetrator of violence in past six months*( )( )
 Other female sex
 Commercial sex
 Nonpaying partners25.620.50.147

SD: standard deviation.
Analyses were restricted among FSWs who reported having any noncommercial partner.
*Among FSWs who reported to have experienced violence in past six months.
P values are obtained by comparing values for FSWs with regular and nonregular noncommercial partners. Significances of the differences in percentages were tested using Z-test. Significances of differences in average values were tested using unpaired t-test.