Research Article

Point-of-Care HIV Testing and Linkage in an Urban Cohort in the Southern US

Table 3

Reported characteristics of clients who presented for HIV POC testing by test result, AL, 2007–2012.

CharacteristicTotalHIV positiveHIV negative valuea
= 3,651 = 148 = 3,503
(%) (%) (%)

HIV testing
Test location<0.001*
 Outreach1,723 (47)8 (5)1,715 (49)
 HIV clinic1,896 (52)140 (95)1,756 (51)
Previously tested<0.001*
 No1,241 (34)16 (11)1,225 (35)
 Yes2,378 (66)131 (89)2,247 (65)
Participant risk factors
History of STIb<0.001*
 Yes 491 (16)36 (30)455 (16)
 No2,482 (83)84 (70)2,398 (84)
 Unsure 14 (1)0 (0)14 (<1)
 Yes 550 (19)70 (58)480 (17)
 No2,346 (80)49 (41)2,297 (82)
 Unsure 30 (1)1 (1)29 (1)
History of illicit drug usec0.26
 Yes 642 (21)31 (26)611 (21)
 No2,345 (79)90 (74)2,255 (79)
Alcohol use0.51
 Yes2,100 (70)89 (73)2,011 (70)
 No 889 (30)33 (27)856 (30)
Condom utilization0.001*
 No condom use 889 (31)29 (25) 860 (31)
 Condom use < 100%1,276 (44)71 (60)1,205 (44)
 Condom use = 100% 719 (25)18 (15) 701 (25)

Statistically significant at 0.05 level.
HIV: Human Immunodeficiency Virus; MSM: men having sex with men; POC: point of care; STI: sexually transmitted infections.
Note: missing/unknown data (not shown) has been excluded for calculating percentages and value.
a value (two tailed): Pearson chi-square test or Fisher’s exact test.
b“No” and “unsure” categories combined to calculate value.
cExcluding marijuana.