Research Article

Obesity Is Not Associated with Impaired Immune Response to Influenza Vaccination in HIV-Infected Persons

Table 1

Baseline characteristics of the study sample, overall and by obese status.

(BMI < 30 kg/m2)
(BMI ≥ 30 kg/m2)

Median age (IQR), year46 (38–52)46 (37–53)44 (38–51)0.56
Sex, (%)
 Male125 (71)102 (80)23 (48)<0.001
 Female51 (29)26 (20)25 (52)
Race, (%)
 White54 (31)44 (34)10 (21)0.17
 Black121 (68)83 (65)38 (79)
 Asian/Pacific-Islander1 (0.6)1 (0.8)0 (0)
Diabetes, (%)12 (6.8)4 (3.1)8 (16.7)0.002
Chronic hepatitis B, (%)10 (5.7)10 (7.8)0 (0)0.05
Chronic hepatitis C, (%)25 (14)19 (15)6 (12)0.69
Receiving ART, (%)156 (87)114 (89)42 (88)0.77
 PI-based85 (48)63 (49)22 (46)0.56
 NNRTI-based43 (24)30 (23)13 (27)
 INSTI-based10 (5.7)8 (6.2)2 (4.2)
 Other24 (14)15 (12)9 (19)
 No ART/unknown14 (8.0)12 (9)2 (4.2)
ZDV, ddI, and d4T use19 (11)14 (11)5 (10)0.92
HIV RNA <400 copies/mL, (%)146 (83)105 (83)41 (85)0.66
Median nadir CD4 count (IQR), cells/μL168 (42–322)156 (38–304)197 (68–354)0.25
Median current CD4 count (IQR), cells/μL452 (294–640)438 (280–630)498 (406–690)0.09
Median BMI (IQR), kg/m225 (22–31)24 (22–26)36 (32–39)<0.001
Receipt of HD vaccine, (%)91 (52)64 (50)27 (56)0.46

ART: antiretroviral therapy; BMI: body mass index; ddI: didanosine; d4T: stavudine; HD: high dose; IQR: interquartile range; INSTI: integrase strand transfer inhibitor; NNRTI: nonnucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor; PI: protease inhibitor; ZDV: zidovudine.