Research Article

Use of Cognitive Interviews to Adapt PROMIS Measurement Items for Spanish Speakers Living with HIV

Table 1

Characteristics of the participant population for the first round of cognitive interviews.

CharacteristicsDepression domain () Anxiety domain () Fatigue domain ()Alcohol Use domain ()Total ()

 Male10 (77%)6 (67%)11 (73%)14 (74%)41 (73%)
 Female3 (23%)3 (33%)4 (27%)5 (26%)15 (27%)
Place of birth
 US1 (8%)0 (0%)0 (0%)2 (11%)3 (5%)
 Mexico9 (69%)7 (78%)0 (0%)17 (89%)33 (59%)
 Other3 (23%)2 (22%)0 (0%)0 (0%)5 (9%)
 Unknown0 (0%)0 (0%)15 (100%)0 (0%)15 (27%)
Age (yrs)
 18–290 (0%)1 (11%)1 (7%)5 (26%)7 (13%)
 30–391 (8%)2 (22%)1 (7%)4 (21%)8 (14%)
 40–497 (54%)3 (33%)8 (53%)10 (53%)28 (50%)
 50–593 (23%)3 (33%)2 (13%)0 (0%)8 (14%)
 ≥60 2 (15%)0 (0%)3 (20%)0 (0%)5 (9%)
Most recent CD-4 Cell count (mm3)
 0–1994 (31%)2 (22%)0 (0%)1 (5%)7 (13%)
 200–3495 (38%)2 (22%)0 (0%)1 (5%)8 (14%)
 ≥350 4 (31%)5 (56%)15 (100%)14 (74%)38 (68%)
 Unknown0 (0%)0 (0%)0 (0%)3 (16%)3 (5%)
Time since HIV Diagnosis (yrs)
 0–94 (31%)2 (22%)3 (20%)11 (58%)20 (36%)
 10–197 (54%)5 (56%)10 (67%)6 (32%)28 (50%)
 20–302 (15%)1 (11%)2 (13%)1 (5%)6 (11%)
 Unknown0 (0%)1 (11%)0 (0%)1 (5%)2 (4%)
HIV transmission risk factor
 MSM17 (54%)5 (56%)10 (67%)8 (42%)30 (54%)
 IVDU20 (0%)1 (11%)2 (13%)0 (0%)3 (5%)
 Heterosexual4 (31%)3 (33%)3 (20%)2 (11%)12 (21%)
 Other2 (16%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0 (0%)2 (4%)
 Unknown0 (0%)0 (0%)0 (0%)9 (47%)9 (16%)

MSM: defined as men who have sex with men.
2IVDU: defined as intravenous drug user.