Clinical Study

An Eccentrically Biased Rehabilitation Program Early after TKA Surgery

Table 2

The six-week outpatient rehabilitation protocol performed two times per week.

Outpatient rehabilitation protocol

Warm up (15 min)
 Stationary cycling5–10 min
 Seated or supine AROM knee flexion and extension2-3 min
 Alternating ankle dorsiflexion and plantar flexion1-2 min
 Passive quadriceps stretching (standing or prone)1-2 min
 Passive hamstring stretching (standing or seated)1-2 min

Leg strengthening exercise (30 min)
 RENEW 5–20 minutes (Table 3)
 Leg press 2 × 1 0 –15 reps 70% 1 RM
 Leg extension 2 × 1 0 –15 reps 70% 1 RM
 Leg curl 2 × 1 0 –15 reps 70% 1 RM
 Standing calf raise 2 × 1 0 –15 reps Body weight

Functional task-oriented exercise (5 min)
 Get up and sit down15 reps
 Wall sits at 60 degrees 5–10 sec holds15 reps
 Negotiating stairs (stepups starting at 4 and progressed to 8 )30 steps
 Body weighted half-squatting15 rep
 Unilateral standing firm and/or unstable surface (build up to 30 sec holds)3–5 reps
 Walking backward, forward, marching and side step on a slope, and/or with resistance30 m

Endurance exercise (10 min)
 Treadmill walking Change of speed or on incline5 min
 Stationary biking “somewhat hard” effort5 min