Research Article

Osteoarthritis of the Wrist STT Joint and Radiocarpal Joint

Table 6

Physical examination parameters and their relationship to the radiographic findings (P values).

STT osteoarthritisSLACCMC osteoarthritis

Radial wrist pain0.2863 (1.137)<0.003 (8.366)0.464 (0.534)
Swelling0.5264 (0.401)0.176 (1.825)0.980 (4.72)
Radial styloid tend0.89 (−1.020; 0.888)0.120 (−1.828; 0.253)0.297 (−1.542; 0.476)
Snuff box tend0.008 (0.500; 3.257)<0.001 (−5.537; −2.948)0.0063 (−3.522; −0.596)
STT joint tend0.45 (−0.398; 0.878)0.272 (−1.072; 0.306)0.816 (−0.760; 0.600)
CMC joint tend0.23 (−2.326; 0.580)0.139 (−0.390; 2.748)<0.001 (1.959; 4.765)

Significant relationships are highlighted in bold type; tend: tenderness; SLAC: scapholunate advanced collapse; STT: scaphotrapeziotrapezoidal; CMC: 1st carpometacarpal. Results expressed as P value (chi-square) for radial wrist pain and swelling. Tend: tenderness over that area of the wrist on physical examination and documented as a continuous variable (0–10). Results expressed as P value (95% lower; 95% upper).